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Daniel Mietchen

Very nice roundup of an important topic. I would like to add that wikis could also serve as harbours of coursework that lasts - one initiative in this direction is http://en.citizendium.org/wiki/CZ:Eduzendium .


Very well put - aside from being a tad long :)

About six months ago I was going through some old boxes sitting on a bookshelf that had never been unpacked. I ran across a number of old notebooks from my college years. Most of the notes and papers just went back into the box, but a few caught my eye and i spent hours going over them.

It was fun to see what i'd found worth writing about at the time, what my note taking style was and what i'd chosen to emphasize from some lecture or other.

That being said, there were certainly some things that weren't worth saving - in fact, i would be embarrassed to have my name associated with it today. In preserving everything, some mechanism would need to be put in place to filter out the dross.

Then again, one man's dross might be another man's gem of insight.

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