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It would be nice to try this program just to see how it works. Powerpoint presentations are boring and the layouts and designs used are usually the same, after you have seen like a hundred presentations done in powerpoint they all look the same. If this program works pretty fine and it is not too difficult to get started with it I would love to try it just for a change.

Sophie Astaire

Being a designer I gave up using Prezi because hi res images killed the motion smoothness in the presentation. I've also tried Zoomorama but I've nded using a really cool alternative http://www.ahead.com. It doesn't offer the offline options that Prezi does, but the layout and deep zoom features are much better. I love this space a designer did in Ahead

J Layton

Maybe I should post the PowerPoint slides I used when I spoke on a panel yesterday at the Missouri Bar's annual conference. No words; just colored rectangles that I used to illustrate my points. I got a lot of good comments .....


90% of PowerPoint presentations make me want to kill myself or someone sitting next to me. The worst are those which are supposed to teach you something difficult, and the handout is simply a bunch of printouts of the slides rather than a standard outline which is legible and in black and white. The people who pull this crap deserve death more than any terrorist. Biggest offender? U.S. Navy. Just keeping it real.


It is good something new appearing. I will try this "Peri". However, has the end of powerpoint come? i still enjoy a lot from creating my powerpoint presentations. i have also heard the idea that the powerpoint gives people a feeling of death. but i think that just means those bad designed presentations.

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